Adventure unleashed. Explore the magical world of Arcane Legends with companions on desktop and mobile for FREE. With millions of downloads worldwide, Arcane Legends is the most acclaimed Free-to-Play Action and Adventure MMORPG available on mobile devices. Explore a breathtaking Free-to-Play 3D Fantasy World with pets and friends in this award winning, online, multiplayer, MMORPG from Spacetime Studios, creators of the smash-hit Pocket Legends.
What strikes as compelling about Arcane Legends is that it seems far more polished and engaging than its predecessors. Less confusing, too. It's easy to see where going, as the camera's not swiveling about all the time. Combat is silky smooth and occasionally tactically challenging. You not only choose skills at level up, but can customize those skills in various ways. You can unlock and level up pets who fight alongside of you and give you special bonuses. There are daily rewards just for logging in sort of like a loyalty program that you find in F2P MMOs. And it's a breeze to pop in and out.
The Arcane Legends rogue skills are pretty balanced so that there is no one single best way to train and upgrade your skills. However, below we have provided a few sample builds to help you decide on the best skills for you to use and equip. Max Noxious Bolt, Aimed Shot, and Razor Shield. The rest of points go into Shadow Power for more damage or Combat Medic for some minor heal support. In this build, you forgo the healing ability and go for maximum damage. With sacrificed healing skill, you get the strongest single attacks in return.
Arcane Legends is no longer limited to Canada and Australia come and get it. Fans of Spacetime Studios the firm behind Pocket Legends and Star Legends make ready your thumbs, because the company has released a limited beta version of its newest game, Arcane Legends. For the time being, the game is only available to users in Australia and Canada, but is expected to be released to the masses sometime around the week of November 19th.
Buy your Arcane Legends Gold used. Arcane Legends Gold are expensive. If you are you looking for more about Arcane Legends Platinum check out our website. Even so, many people insist on buying them new. The reasoning behind this is that used games will be damaged or faulty. Most retailers check their used games before bringing them into their stock. Buy used and save your receipts, just in case. The savings is well worth the minor risk. Know the signs of video game addiction. This may sound funny, and you may not think such a thing exists, but addiction to games is as real as any other addiction. Symptoms include long hours of play, obsessive thoughts about the game, and excessive spending related to Arcane Legends Gold of all kinds.
Below are all the skills that you can unlock as well as their upgrades. We have put together a list of these sorcerer skills as appeared in the game. After this we will go over some common building strategies on how to make your Sorcerer strong and powerful.